I have been in the business since I was 17, I’m creative in various ways and I was raised on design. I am passionate about my craftsmanship and creating value for my recipients. I like to design, laser cut, 3D print, CNC mill, code, sketch, sew, write, do techno-anthropological and sociological research as well as policy etc.

Den Narcissistiske ordbog udstilles i:
Captive portal på Fredericiagade 12b den 15.–27. august 2023
Foreningen Maker på Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV. den 13. oktober 2023 kl. 18:00–24:00
Et Netwærk, den 1. marts 2024 kl. 16:00–19:00
Denne narcissistiske ordbog er skabt med formålet om at skabe større bevågenhed om trækkene ved narcissisme og narcissistisk psykopati samt personlighedsforstyrrelsens og den dys sociale personlighedsstrukturs manipulations metoder. Hertil bruges kunstig intelligens til at skabe en narcissistisk chatbot.
Jeg gør opmærksom på at denne ordbog ikke er skabt med formålet om at diagnosticere personer med narcissistiske træk eller narcissistiske psykopatiske træk. Det er kun kliniske psykologer og psykiatere der kan og må det. Fokus er at lære dig at gennemskue den ondsindede psykologiske gaslightende manipulation, så du bliver endnu bedre til at vide hvad der er dårlig adfærd, hvornår nogle behandler dig dårligt og hvornår det er bedst at forlade en relation helt.
English version
The Narcissistic Dictionary is exhibited at:
The Captive portal at Fredericiagade 12b on 15–27 August 2023
Foreningen Maker at Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København, 13 October 2023 at 18:00–24:00
A Network, 1 March 2024 at 16:00–19:00
I have made this narcissistic dictionary to create greater awareness of the traits of narcissism and narcissistic psychopathy, as well as the manipulation methods of personality disorder and the antisocial personality structure. For this, I use artificial intelligence to create a narcissistic chatbot.
I point out that I am not making this dictionary to diagnose people with narcissistic or narcissistic psychopathic traits. Only clinical psychologists and psychiatrists can and must do this. The focus is on teaching you to see through the malicious psychological gaslighting manipulation so that you become even better at knowing what bad behavior is, notice the red flags of when someone mistreats you, and when it is best to leave a relationship altogether.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated with their sentences, translations, and interpretations – you have been part of making the narcissistic dictionary GBT3 chatbot.
Since the exhibition at Captive Portal, I have received more sentences, translations, and interpretations. Thank you for that. The Typeform is still open, and I look forward to exhibiting the GBT3 chatbot again with all your contributions.
Thank you to Jon, who took photos of the exhibition (See above).
Thank you to Mirabelle Jones for curating at Captive Portal, asking me to exhibit, and helping me make the GBT3 chatbot.
Thank you to Kristoffer Ørum for hosting.
Many interesting, meaningful, and healing conversations with the participants have arisen when facilitating how to formulate sentences and listing and hearing your experiences. I appreciate every one of your experiences, and I hope you will keep telling them. Remember that narcissistic behavior is never your responsibility.
Above, you can find examples of the GBT3 chatbot.

Grade: 93.58% out of 100%
Online course.
Skills: Scientific communication, grammar, layperson communication, research.
What I have learned
I have:
- Rehearsed how to write short, precise, and concrete texts.
- Kept track of stakeholders.
- Rehearsed how to negotiate with stakeholders
- Rehearsed how to seek funding.
- Became rapid at writing state of art literature reviews.
- Done preparations at Fablab RUC to teach students how to use the machines.
- Have a letter of intent that Michael Shanks from studio Michael Schanks at Stanford University would like to host me a semester.
- Became a third author in Hobye, M. et al. (Under review), Part 2. Thinking through making – hands-on learning. In: M. Hansen, et al. eds. Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design. Cambridge, MA 02142.: The MIT Press. In 2023 Springer, Science education.
- On February 17, 2023, I declined to RUC, Department of People and Technology, to be published as a third author in Hobye, M. et al., Part 2. Thinking through making – hands-on learning. In: M. Hansen, et al. eds. Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design. Springer, Science education. As an anthropologist and sociologist in the Maker Movement in Denmark, I do not support the values of the four co-founders of illutron working in Fablab RUC and Fablab RUCs, in my opinion, toxic narcissistic work culture. Remember Kim Wall.
See Publications >>> - Published my first scientific article at the GRASP festival. In June 2022, I chose to have my name removed from the article. The leadership of Roskilde University’s Department of People and Technology helped make this happen. Thank you.
See Publications >>> - Collected empirical material at workshops at the RUC education HUMTEK. I refuse to publish it since I do not support the values of the co-founder’s of Illutron working in Fablab RUC.
Master thesis grade: 10
In this MSc program, I was trained to analyze and navigate complex contexts in which organizations must act in the years to come. By acquiring new skills, I can imagine new ways of working, developing, and organizing processes and products. The rapid evolution of digital technologies brings challenges and opportunities that I know how to approach, address, and make the most of by putting contemporary theories and tools into practice.
My specialization is: “Process innovation and new business models.”
I ended this education by writing my Master’s thesis, In the Network: The First Mapping of the Maker Movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde. For this, I got a grade of 10 from the Head of Technologies in Practice. Rachel Douglas Jones.
What I have learned
As a Techno-anthropologist, I learned how to analyze a situation using Actor-Network Theory and how technology is incorporated into every aspect of our daily lives. Using anthropological methods, I can create a cultural analysis of an organization along with the ethics involved with technologies. I have experience in how to implement a design workshop based on different theories, scenarios and customer journeys and an understanding of when a concept evolves into a practice. I understand that we no longer create objects but develop concepts because infrastructure influences us and how to pose open questions so as to receive broad responses that are not influenced or limited by the question. I finished the first two semesters of this master’s and during the third semester, I participated in an internship. During my internship, i realized that I am more focused on the Design aspect and changed to a different program.
How I incorporated this knowledge
This master’s has provided me a much clearer understanding of target audiences and empathy for the users’ needs. I still maintain the mindset I gained as a design thinker when I create concepts. I am a big fan of participatory design and user design in general. I love to create value for the users and get them to think outside the box and leave their comfort zones in a creative process. I use the theories on design workshops to create the context I use for creative workshops and I understand the importance of having a palpable understanding of what is going on throughout a design process.
In this secondary education, I have developed an understanding of different educational methods and how to use them as a project leader. I also worked on how to facilitate graphic projects and ideas using different design thinking methodologies. Which role I play as a facilitator and how to use qualitative anthropology for interviews, focus groups, and observations of either individuals or groups to research a given market. I gained experience in how to pitch an idea in five minutes and how to create a business model by combining different tools such as qualitative methods, with the models from Harvard Business School. During this education, I did an internship at Teknologisk Institut, where i worked in a department called “Opfinderrådgivningen”. I worked with ide facilitating for elementary schools and The Ministry Of Food.
How I incorporated this knowledge
I use the tools from this education when I idea generate during concept development, graphic facilitating, or when I need to create an overview or explain a complex situation. The design thinking methods allow me to understand the process an audience needs to go through during idea facilitation.
What I have learned
In multimedia design, I deepened my understanding of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. I learned how to code action scripts for animations and create websites in Flash. I gained competencies in regards to analyzing an organization according to the Harward Business Model and how to write a marketing report and concept development along with which tools can be used for project management and completing a project. I also worked with phenomenology and semiotics.
I found a book on Issue, called “Generation Z zoomer-in” which is about the different generation’s conduct. My teachers incorporated this book into our study plan and used it to explain target groups. This book piqued my curiosity in regard to anthropology.
How I incorporated this knowledge
When i create digital communications I used the tools and knowledge I gained from this education as well as the tools for project management.
Prior to this education, I already had an intuitive understanding of how to analyze an organization as I was raised by a woman who is a business psychologist, spin doctor, and politically active immigrant teacher. This education built on my prior knowledge and gave me the tools and models along with the proper jargon I needed to analyze in micro, meso and macro.
The book “Generation Z Zoomed in” gave me insights into how social conduct can influence a target group such as digital natives. I also incorporated this knowledge into how I teach or collaborate with others.
What I have learned
Through this institution, I gained insights on marketing according to the Harvard Business School models and I was taught how to write marketing reports. I also learned about social media and how it can be used as a strategy for marketing.
How I incorporated this knowledge
Through this course, I gained a drive and passion that prompted me to continue my education.
Right after I finished elementary school I studied at a youth education (erhvervsuddannelse) as a Media graphic designer.
What I have learned
As a media graphic designer, I have an in-depth understanding of the Adobe Suite both in regard to when and what each program is best suited for. I gained an understanding of how to produce beautiful publications for both print and online.
I have learned what the difference is between CMYK and RGB, what the range of their respective color spectrums are and when to use either as well as how to Photoshop and measure color. Also, I know how to scan using a Heidelberg, what moiré is, how to avoid it when scanning, how to wrap text and how to place a picture under the x-axis, and what a baseline grid is, what a bastard is, a widow is and an orphan. Different styles and how to draw sketches and use markers and create mockup dummies. how to idea generate and maintain a common thread throughout a concept. I have experience in how to send projects to printing, using CPT machines and what EM is, and how to place a baseline grid as well as understanding when to use a dash or hyphen along with the difference between the ten font families.
In connection to online media I have taught how to use HTML and CSS and how to apply these languages to coding a website through tables, create email formulas and how to create a web design, design banners, and GIFs and how to create flash graphics such as a ball hopping or 3d animate a labyrinth in Swift 3D.
How I incorporated this knowledge
My education as a media graphic designer has become a foundation for my visual creativity, whether it is in conjecture by producing a design for web or printed communication.
This education has contributed to a solid foundation with a deep knowledge base that allows me to have a broad range of insights into how to produce for different types of media. My solid foundation in media graphics allows me easily to gain insights and understandings when working within a new media. This is because of the mindset that was imprinted on me early, which provided me with an experience of what works and what doesn’t work. It also functions as a tool for when I idea generate and sketch.

Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design.
On February 17, 2023, I declined to RUC, Department of People and Technology, to be published as a third author in Hobye, M. et al. , Part 2. Thinking through making – hands-on learning. In: M. Hansen, et al. eds. Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design. Springer Science education. As an anthropologist and sociologist in the Maker Movement in Denmark, I do not support the values of the four co-founders of illutron working in Fablab RUC and Fablab RUCs, in my opinion, toxic narcissistic work culture. Remember Kim Wall.
THESIS: In the Network // The first mapping of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde
Dencker Hansen, K., 2019. Thesis from Digital innovation and management: In the Network // The first mapping of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde, Copenhagen: IT University of Copenhagen. Access to the thesis is obtained via the following two links:
Link to appendix (including interviews, participatory observations, etc.)
I am a strategic thinker with analytical abilities that outplay in my DNA because I am raised with professional politics, an overview of the whole, and the connections in the main structures in Denmark.
Growing up in a political community of practice, I have analyzed how decision-making was made based on networks, information dissemination, and political power play.
While growing up, leadership has always been a neural topic. After I had finished my first formal apprenticeship education as a Mediegrafiker, I worked at newspapers setting up pages and ads. The financial crisis came, and to be frank, I had a couple of managers who didn’t have the faintest clue how to manage a newspaper. Yet, I also had skilled, empathetic, supportive secretarial managers who created psychological safety among employees, listened, and took the things said into account in their decisions to look after the well-being of the employees. I had been a spokesperson at 22, and I could see how I could create changes and get happier, less stressed, and less confused colleagues that would produce better results. So, I started to study management and leadership.
At 24, I studied further to be a Multimedia designer and took a professional bachelor’s in Design and Business, specializing in Design Thinking, Ideation. Afterward, I studied for an MSc in Techno-Anthropology at Aalborg University, but I needed a different student environment, so I switched to ITU, Digital Innovation, and Management. Here, I made the first mapping of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde in my thesis, which gave me a grade of 10.
In my spare time, I am a part of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde. It is us with 3D printers and laser cutters etc. I travel between Fablabs, Makerspaces, and Hackerspaces as a ‘broker’ and share knowledge across the initiatives. From this, I create IT solutions so we can grow.
As a person, I am independent with personal responsibility, structured, holistic, and targeted with a good overview, mood, and a twinkle in my eye – even when time is limited. As a newspaper graphical designer, I am a fast learner with a high personal drive and an efficient coordinating working system. I am a team player with a high professional commitment, ambitions, and drive. I am also good at sparring and working together to get a job solved. In addition, I can design innovative solutions based on the whole and the contexts. I am brave, communicate clearly, and dare to go first.
I thrive when a good job is rewarded because I am career-oriented and committed. I am innovative, visionary, multi-creative, and have many interests, which is why I like varied tasks that are ambitious and difficult to fulfill.
I am educated in and can practice various design roles such as initiator, researcher, project manager, facilitator, and intermediary. I use these roles as tools in my tasks based on my 12 years of education and 15+ years of work experience, and I have worked with design since I was 17.
The Photo was taken by Photographer Mads Lending.